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what is Index Derivative.

Introduction to Index

What is index Derivatives.

 Index is a statistical indicator that measures changes in the economy in general or in  particular areas. In case of financial markets, an index is a portfolio of securities that  represent  a  particular  market  or  a  portion  of  a  market.  Each  Index  has  its  own  calculation methodology and usually is expressed in terms of a change from a base  value. The base value might be as recent as the previous day or many years in the past.  Thus, the percentage change is more important than the actual numeric value. 

Financial  indices are created to measure price movement of stocks, bonds, T‐bills and other type  of financial securities. More specifically, a stock index is created to provide market  participants  with  the  information  regarding  average  share  price  movement  in  the  market. Broad indices are expected to capture the overall behaviour of equity market  and need to represent the return obtained by typical portfolios in the country.

* A stock index is an indicator of the performance of overall market or a particular  sector.   

* It  serves  as  a  benchmark  for  portfolio  performance  ‐ Managed  portfolios,  belonging either to individuals or mutual funds; use the stock index as a measure  for evaluation of their performance.

*  It is used as an underlying for financial application of derivatives – Various  products in OTC and exchange traded markets are based on indices as underlying  asset.   

 Types of Stock Market Indices 

 Indices  can  be  designed  and  constructed  in  various  ways.  Depending  upon  their  methodology, they can be classified as under:  

Market capitalization weighted index  

In  this  method  of  calculation,  each  stock  is  given  weight  according  to  its  market  capitalization. So higher the market capitalization of a constituent, higher is its weight in  the  index.  Market  capitalization  is  the  market  value  of  a  company,  calculated  by  multiplying the total number of shares outstanding to its current market price. For  example, ABC company with 5,00,00,000 shares outstanding and a share price of Rs 120  per share will have market capitalization of 5,00,00,000 x 120 = Rs 6,00,00,00,000 i.e.  600 Crores.  
LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  After studying this chapter, you should know about:   Meaning of Index and its significance    Different types of stock market indices   Index management and maintenance    Application of indices 

Let us understand the concept with the help of an example: There are five stocks in an  index. Base value of the index is set to 100 on the start date which is January 1, 1995.  Calculate the present value of index based on following information.  

Free‐Float Market Capitalization Index 

 In various businesses, equity holding is divided differently among various stake holders –  promoters, institutions, corporates, individuals etc. Market has started to segregate this  on the basis of what is readily available for trading or what is not. The one available for  immediate trading is categorized as free float. And, if we compute the index based on  weights of each security based on free float market cap, it is called free float market  capitalization index. Indeed, both Sensex and Nifty, over a period of time, have moved  to free float basis. SX40, index of MSEI is also a free float market capitalization index.

Price‐Weighted Index

  A stock index in which each stock influences the index in proportion to its price. Stocks  with  a  higher  price  will  be  given  more  weight  and  therefore,  will  have  a  greater  influence over the performance of the Index.

Equal Weighted Index 

 An equally‐weighted index makes no distinction between large and small companies,  both of which are given equal weighting. The value of the index is generated by adding  the prices of each stock in the index and dividing that by the total number of stocks.   Let us take the same example for calculation of equal weighted index. 

  • Application of Indices  

Traditionally, indices were used as a measure to understand the overall direction of  stock market. However, few applications on index have emerged in the investment field.  Few of the applications are explained below.  

Index Funds  

These types of funds invest in a specific index with an objective to generate returns  equivalent to the return on index. These funds invest in index stocks in the proportions  in which these stocks exist in the index. For instance, Sensex index fund would get the  similar returns as that of Sensex index. Since Sensex has 30 shares, the fund will also  invest in these 30 companies in the proportion in which they exist in the Sensex.   

Index Derivatives  

Index Derivatives are derivative contracts which have the index as the underlying asset.  Index Options and Index Futures are the most popular derivative contracts worldwide.  Index derivatives are useful as a tool to hedge against the market risk.    

Exchange Traded Funds 

 Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) is basket of securities that trade like individual stock, on  an exchange. They have number of advantages over other mutual funds as they can be  bought  and  sold  on  the  exchange.  Since,  ETFs  are  traded  on  exchanges  intraday  transaction is possible. Further, ETFs can be used as basket trading in terms of the  smaller denomination and low transaction cost. The first ETF in Indian Securities Market  was the Nifty BeES, introduced by the Benchmark Mutual Fund in December 2001.  Prudential ICICI Mutual Fund introduced SPIcE in January 2003, which was the first ETF  on Sensex. 

  •  Index management 

 Index construction, maintenance and revision process is generally done by specialized  agencies. For instance, NSE indices are managed by a separate company called “India  Index Services and Products Ltd.” (IISL).   Index construction is all about choosing the index stocks and deciding on the index  calculation methodology. Maintenance means adjusting the index for corporate actions  like bonus issue, rights issue, stock split, consolidation, mergers etc. Revision of index  deals with change in the composition of index as such i.e. replacing some existing stocks  by the new ones because of change in the trading paradigm of the stocks / interest of  market participants.  

Index Construction  A good index is a trade‐off between diversification and liquidity. A well diversified index  reflects the behaviour of the overall market/ economy. While diversification helps in  reducing risk, beyond a point it may not help in the context. Going from 10 stocks to 20  stocks gives a sharp reduction in risk. Going from 50 stocks to 100 stocks gives very little  reduction in risk. Going beyond 100 stocks gives almost zero reduction in risk. Hence,  there is little to gain by diversifying beyond a point. 

  Stocks  in  the  index  are  chosen  based  on  certain  pre‐determined  qualitative  and  quantitative parameters, laid down by the Index Construction Managers. Once a stock  satisfies the eligibility criterion, it is entitled for inclusion in the index. Generally, final  decision of inclusion or removal of a security from the index is taken by a specialized  committee known as Index Committee.  

That’s it for this post. Do check out my other posts to gain more knowledge about finance.
Please do let me know if there is any other concept in finance you want me to write an article on, I will try my best to explain it in simpler terms.
Also, feel free to ask questions in the comment section. Will be happy to help you out :)
PS: The analogy I have used might not be 100% correct but it’s easy to understand things with a simpler analogy.



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