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What is Exchange Traded Currency Options / FX Options Explained | Trade Forex Options

What are Currency Options Trading Option means a choice or an alternative.  Option: It is a contract between two parties to buy or sell a given amount of asset at a pre- specified   price on or before a given date .  The right to buy the asset is called call option and the right to sell the asset is called put option.   The pre-specified price is called as strike price and the date at which strike price is applicable is called expiration date.  Trade Forex Options What is Exchange Traded Currency Options / FX Options Explained | Trade Forex Options Buying an option is also called as taking a long position in an option contract and selling is also referred to as taking a short position in an option contract.  The difference between the date of entering into the contract and the expiration date is called time to maturity.   • The party which buys the...
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Definition of securities and derivatives as per the Securities Contract  (Regulation) Act, 1956 

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Selection Criteria - National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. / F&O segment: How are stocks included in the F&O segment ?

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What are option greek in derivative market.

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